Wednesday 3 August 2011

Dont be afraid to slut it up

Hi girls

My new topic for today is picking up men. As we all know it's hard to pick up men unless you are rake thin and if you aren't naturally attractive you have to paste it on thick. Men love too much makeup, it hides the fact that you are probably NOT their type. Okay here we go.

Tip 1: Lots of lipstick. Lipstick is great and men love to see it smeared all over their (You know what) tehehe and who doesnt love giving men what they want. I know I do. My night isn't complete unless I feel wanted my a man,sexually. Because ultimately isn't that what being a women is all about? :-)

I think this sums it up well what men expect when it comes to lipstick.

Tip 2: LOTS!!! of clevage

Okay ladies, this is important. Men need to know what's on offer. It's like a used car salesman not letting you drive the car and expecting you to want to buy it. Therefore, show as much as you can without looking like a 2 dollar hooker, heheh. Personally I dont suck for less than 3 dollar, but hey, I'm worth it. Anyway here is what men expect and you all know that upsetting men is a carnal sin.

Okay, I think this lady has it just about spot on. You can never show too much. And if you have rollup's, dont worry, men aren't picky.

Tip 3: Get him drunk

Okay, I think we have all been there. It's late and all the good men have been taken and you're standing around looking like dogshit drying in the sun! No one wants to be in this situation. Therefore pick the closest guy to you and if you dont have date rape drugs handy, just ply him with as much alcohol as you can, without getting him so drunk that his little man wont work when you get him home. Embarrassment!!!! Been there done that.

If he tries to kick you in the face while pissed off his head, dont stress, it means he loves you.

Okay ladies, this is me, signing off.


Girl Talk - One man is never enough!!!!

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